July 18, 2010
When I started the first plumeria I had planted another plumeria seed along with it that I properly named "Mystery" because the ebay seller sent me a pack of unlabeled plumeria seeds for fun. The first one I tried didn't take so I put in a new Mystery seed and It decided to root! Yay! :D It is well on its way to becoming just as beautiful as my "Intense Rainbow" Plumeria!
July 20, 2010
Mystery seems to be growing so vigorously. I can't believe its already trying to get the seed husk off. Look how much it has grown in just two days. My routine with my plumerias is watering them in the early morning then allowing them to dry out until the next morning. It seems to be working well for them so far. I have read somewhere that plumerias once established should only be watered once a week. I might have trouble with that! ;p
August, 13 2010
Seems to be doing good so far I'm wondering if I have it in to much sun.... *shrug* Its growth has seemed to slow down right along with the other one that is much larger then it. Hopefully they don't die.. crossing my fingers.
September 6, 2010
Along with my other plumeria this one was also headed toward death for a while there. I changed its location next to the other plumeria on the table repotted it and fertilized it and it is now doing great. Look at all the new growth on that baby :D I am so happy that my Plumeria are happy :)